Thursday, February 19, 2009

The four enemies of ALL Distributors

1. Rejection.

People will say no. That no is not personal. You need to remind yourself every day that prospecting is business, not personal. Here are a couple of suggestions for facing down rejection. Think of rejection the way that an airline attendant does. The airline attendant goes from person to person asking if they want coffee. After hearing no several times, would that attendant jump out of the plane? Right. They would just keep on asking, row after row. No only means, “No, not now.” It is important to understand people and their moods. It is possible to call someone and ask them to take a look at the opportunity—right when they are having a bad day. Be persistent, but not overbearing. The time will come when your great prospect will be interested.

One other way to look at rejection is “by the numbers.” Everyone in the business has a ratio. Talk to 10, sponsor 1 (1:10); talk to 20, sponsor 1 (1:20). No one in the business has a perfect ratio. In baseball, if you hit three out of 10 major league pitches you are very good hitter. The same is true here. If you have a 1:10 ratio you will likely be very successful. So know your ratio and learn to improve it.

We know that the average Team Elite Executive has sponsored 150 people. If your success ratio is 1:10, that means you have to talk to 1500 people to sponsor 150. Let’s say your Team Elite business is worth $1 million.* Divide 1500 people talked to into $1 million, and that’s $666 for every no you get! Every time you get a no you are getting paid. How do you feel about no now?

2. Apathy (Laziness ) .

Apathy comes in two forms.
1) Your own. Work will win when wishy-washy wishing won’t.
2) 2) Other people (your downline). Find people who want more and are willing to work to change their lives. If you have distributors who don’t want to work and follow a plan, replace them. You get to choose who you work with.

3. Attrition.

People will quit. Why? I’m not sure. But things happen! It is not the fault of the business. When someone quits, thank them in your mind for the time and move on. Just don’t be one of them. The Nu Skin Enterprises opportunity just keeps getting better and better.

4. Distractions.

All distractions are created equal. The whole world tries to distract you. Baseball season just ended, but now it is football season. Then it will be basketball season and then bowling season! There will always be something that is stealing your time from creating a better life. You have to have the self-discipline to not be distracted. Here is the strategy: You are going to have to make excuses to be successful. Who are you going to make excuses to— your downline, your prospects, or your family? You don’t have to make that excuse long term. But when you’re new in the business, you have to make excuses to the right people.

Success looks like luck, but it never is.

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